Up at 0600 and immediately the cries of "potty, potty" begin. Thing 2 wants to be potty trained but isn't completely ready. I've talked about his lack of focus in FB posts and last week he fell of the big potty and blacked his right eye because he hit the little potty. That kid can't sit still for 2 seconds. Up and down, big potty, little potty, on and off 10 times in the span of a couple of minutes. Finally he squeezed out a few drops and LOVES dumping it in the big potty to flush. He loves it so much that he proceeded to squeezed out a little pee 3 mores times so he could dump it.
Enough, I say. Outta of bathroom, I say. Get your diaper back on, I say. That diaper lasted about 5 minutes till he was yelling for the potty again. Repeat of our last visit minus the droplets of pee. Back to the living room for a diaper. Then he goes off to play. Of course, 5 minutes later he comes to me and says, "Ucky poop Mommy." Yep, indeed there is yucky poop in the toy room floor. Thank the good Lord above that it was the kind you could pick up with a baby wipe and not the kind that sinks into the carpet.
All the while Thing 1 is contentedly watching Dora. He's in a Dora trance. I change his poopy diaper while he watches Dora from the couch. He's oblivious to me until I try to slip pants on him, then he comes alive! "No pants, Mommy! No pants!" The chase is on and the threats begin.
This is Thing 1's "No Pants" face!
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