Hello there. I'm typing this basically one handed seeing that I finally broke down and had carpal tunnel surgery on my left hand. So, large bulky dressing in place and instructions to limit use and not lift anything heavier than a phone for 2 weeks makes life with the littles interesting for me and upsetting to the Hubs.
About the Hubs, he's been a trooper these last 3 days. Bringing home supper, showering with the boys, and doing all the heavy lifting is taking it's toll. He's also been in charge of all threatening of bodily harm to the littles and subsequent punishments if they don't "straighten up and knock it off!" He's tired. Falling asleep in his chair tired. We were blessed with horrible sleepers. Thing 1 is the child that fights sleep with all his might. Stumbling around, packing every toy he can carry into the living room, crying at the least little thing, refusing to be held, running from you and trying to wake his brother up is a near nightly occurrence. This is practically our routine. Thing 2 is the child who will go to sleep without problem, but doesn't stay that way. And once he's back to sleep, his normal wake up time is around 0530. So good times for all in our house. I'm usually the night time person who gets up and sits in the chair with the boys until they fall back to sleep and I drag their 30-33lbs selves back to bed, but no lifting means the Hubs has to get up and get them back to sleep or carry them to bed for me.
I've actually left them sleeping where they drop the last few nights. In the chair, on the couch, on the floor; it doesn't matter to me. I wiggle my way out and head back to bed knowing they know where to find us. It's hard to hide from a screaming 2 year old.
This blog is actually a thank you to my husband. He's a great dad and a good husband and I don't let him know it enough. Even if he did tell me after surgery that the doctor had said this surgery is "no excuse for her to shirk her responsibilities and there's no reason she can't change diapers, cook, and clean as normal."
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