The world is a scary place.
People would say that and I'd always think - it's always been scary, we just hear about it so much more now.
I was wrong. It is 100% more scary than it was when I was a kid. I read several parenting blogs. Most of them making fun of the craziness that is parenthood. Sometimes I come across one that makes me tear up (OK, I tear up a lot - I'm a crier). I read one the other day about a lady sending her child to school for the first time and him coming home talking about the drill they had if a scary person come into their school. Hiding under desks, turning out the lights, being very quiet.
Hell, I'm crying right now thinking about it. It is terrifying to think about. But it happened. Drills and plans are necessary because it happened. Some jackass with issues walked into a school and now the reality of every fresh faced innocent child going to school includes some sort of preparedness plan for what you do when a "bad person" comes into your school.
Earlier today I was doing my online safety training at work. Yes, I usually go through them as fast as possible and never click on the links. Today, as I'm reading about what to do in the event of a armed assailant in my workplace I click on the link and am taken to a youtube video by Homeland Security showing what to do if an armed gunman is on the loose at your place of work. I wanted to cry. I wanted to sob. I spent 8 of the last 10 years working 7p-7a in hospitals and making a joke that the doors are never closed there; it's just an invitation for someone to come in and do harm. The there was that horrible episode of Grey's Anatomy that made it even more scary. Suddenly today, watching that video, I was overcome with such fear for my children and sadness for all of us. I'm sad this video has to exist.
Being a parent has made me fearful. I'm not saying I'm paralyzed with fear; I'm saying there's always something nagging at the back of my mind. The world is scary; there are innumerable things out there to hurt my babies. Or leave them parent less. Countless scenarios run through my mind of what would I do if this happened or how would I keep my kids safe in this situation.
I think I should start keeping my keys on me during the work day so on the chance there is a shooting I could run out a back door and get to my car.
Or if there was a zombie apocalypse type outbreak how fast could I get home. Could I make it home? What if I'm separated from my kids in that type of situation? I'm about to hyperventilate thinking about it now.
At this point, I am missing the days when thinking about zombies was what induced my panic attack type anxiety. The real threat of zombies is pretty low. Random shooting? The odds seem to get higher every day. And when I was watching this video at work I hadn't even heard about the Navy Yard shooting yet. My next patient was telling me about that and had the news on when I walked into her room. All I could think was for fucks sake, what is wrong with people?
My kids will be in preschool next year and they go to day care part time now. I'm constantly worried that if something happens it will be my fault because I sent them to daycare and wasn't there to protect them. They are my babies, my job is to keep them safe. I'm scared that in the world today, safety is just an illusion. I feel sick.
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